Bachelor (Undergraduate) programs at Girne American University (GAU)

Girne American University (GAU)

Faculty of Architecture, Design and Fine Arts

Annual Price:  6,878 EUR

Faculty of Business and Economics

Annual Price:  6,641 EUR

  • Architecture
  • Cartoons and Animation
  • Graphic Design
  • Interior Architecture
  • Quantity Surveying
  • Plastic Arts
  • Banking and Finance
  • Accounting
  • Business Management
  • Marketing
  • Human Resourse Management
  • Management Information Systems
  • International Business Management
  • Economics

Faculty of Political Science

Annual Price:  6,641 EUR

 Faculty of Medicine

Annual Price: 12,732 EUR

  • International Relations
  • Political Science and Public Administration
  •  Medicine

Faculty of Communication

Annual Price:  6,641 EUR

Faculty of Education

Annual Price:  6,641 EUR

  • Radio, Television and Cinema
  • Public Relations
  • English Language Teaching
  • Computer and Instructional  Technology Teaching

Faculty of Engineering

Annual Price:  6,878 EUR

Faculty of Humanities

Annual Price:  6,641 EUR

  • Automotive Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Electrical-Electronics Engineering
  • Energy System Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Software Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • English Language and Literature
  • American Culture and Literature
  • Psychology

Faculty of Law

Annual Price: 7,193 EUR

Faculty of Performing Arts

Annual Price:  7,718 EUR

  • Common Law
  • Performing Arts (Dance)

Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality

Annual Price: 6,641 EUR

School of Sports

Annual Price: 6,090 EUR

  • Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Gastronomy and Culinary Arts
  • Recreation Management
  • Sports Management

Marine School

Annual Price: 6,090 EUR

School of Aviation

  • Logistics and Transportation
  • Maritime Transportation Management Engineering
  • Civil Aviation Management |  6,090 EUR
  • Pilotage | 7,870 EUR
  • Airport Transport Pilot Licence | 16,200 EUR 

Faculty of Pharmacy

Annual Price: 10,500 EUR

  • Pharmacy

News and events

27 June 2022

Cyprus International University (CIU) and Alvi Consult continue to register students for the 2023 academic year!

The line of programs includes: Bachelor's, Master's, PhD, exchange programs, language courses, as well as the Double Degree program the European University European University Business School, University of Rome Tor Vergata and Paris School of Business.

25 June 2022

Apply for the Fall semester of 2023 academic year with Alvi Consult!

ALVI Consult continues admission  for the Fall semester!

30 May 2022

Important update for students

ALVI CONSULT continues admission for the Fall semester. We accept applications for Fall semester till the end of October 2022!

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Useful information

04 April 2018

North Cyprus relationship with Turkey

It is important to have a knowledge of the recent history of the island of Cyprus and the historical background of the Cyprus problem in order to understand the scope of relations between the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and the Republic of Turkey. 

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